zaterdag 26 april 2014

Painting with watercolors and inks

Today I have been painting with watercolors and alcohol inks. This watercolor is painted using a reference photo posted by Ann Bentley on Paint My Photo I am also painting this image with alcohol inks. I will show you the result when I am done.

With alcohol inks I painted an image I took when I was in South Africa a few years ago. My sister and I visited Addo Elephant Park and had an amazing day. We spotted so many elephants, zebra's and many other animals. The size of the painting is 11 3/4" x 8 1/4" (A4 - 20 x 30 cm).

zaterdag 19 april 2014

My new article on the Unruly PaperArts blog

Goodmorning all! Today is a lovely day, the sun is shining, it is my sisters birthday and my new article on the Unruly PaperArts blog has been published.

This months subject is all about Mail Art and Moos. I started my Mixed Media career with making ATC's, artist trading cards. Do you want to know more about ATC's and my love for them? Click here to go to my article on the Unrulies blog.

woensdag 16 april 2014

New video on Youtube - how to paint with alcohol inks

I just uploaded a new video on YouTube on how to create a lovely painting with alcohol inks. I used the painting of the magnolia in bloom (the one I showed you a few blog posts ago) in the video.

Please check it out and like, love and share!

maandag 14 april 2014

My how to article on the Alcohol Ink Artist blog!

Today my first article on the Alcohol Ink Artist blog was published! I am showing how to make some beautiful colorful anemones with a different masking technique.

Do you also want to know how you can make these lovely flowers? Click here to go to the website.

zaterdag 12 april 2014

In an alcohol ink mood....

As you know, I am in Karen Walker's alcohol ink landscape class. Watching the video's and the instructions gets my creativity flowing.

The first 5" x 7"' paintings I did as excercise for the course, the cityscape is a 'happy accident'. I was flowing the ink for a Tuscan landscape, but the blue pushed the other colors away. Leaving a very dark strip of color on the paper. I tried to move it around with a coffee stirrer, and made this marks. I thought it looked like a landscape, and when I turned the painting around, I love it even more. I am going to leave it as it is. The next painting is a Tuscan landscape with a magical tree. Flowed background with minor details and a detailed tree in the front.

And I also painted some anemones. I have ordered some more ink (Ranger has some lovely new colors) and I ordered a larger (A3) size YUPO paper. I have one excercise from last week (a waterfall) and one from this week I want to paint on large format. To be continued...

donderdag 10 april 2014

More landscapes in alcohol inks

As week 2 of my Landscape in alcohol inks course progresses I was going thru my pile of pictures. I love taking pictures but I not use them very often in my work. But this is going to change! Even though the picture is not exactly what you are looking for, you can paint whatever you like. As I am showing here below, the reference image is taken by me in Pacific Grove in California last year. The tree is dark and dooming, but I turned it into a lovely Spring tree, making the painting more colorful. You should try it yourself! Get you imagination going and use only the things you like from your pictures.

maandag 7 april 2014

Alcohol ink creations video

My Facebook and Alcohol ink friend Joann Wheeler has created a video on YouTube showing lovely paintings in alcohol inks. Two of my paintings are included! Please check out the Alcohol Ink Art team (search for AIART team) on Etsy for more alcohol ink creations!

zaterdag 5 april 2014

Alcohol ink course

This month I am taking Karen Walker's landscape class in alcohol inks. She has some marvelous classes with lots of video's, encouragement and inspiration! If you are interested in following one of her classes please  click here.

This week the focus is on Forest and Water and so far I have finished one painting. This one is from the Tropical Waterfall exercise, using an image shared by Robyn Lovelock on PaintMyPhoto

I am now moving on to the next exercise on reflections. I have printed an image I took from a very Dutch landscape about a year ago, when I was on a painting holiday in National Park De Wieden in the Netherlands. I am very curious how it turns out in alcohol inks. To be continued....