donderdag 10 september 2015

Feeling hot hot hot

It has been really hot the last few days. The best way to stay cool is actually to go shopping and stay in airconditioned stores or go to the beach. Lol.

Yesterday, live returned back to normal after the labor day weekend. I went to Balboa Park in San Diego,  after a short stop at the local Dick Blick store. The park has beautiful buildings, most of the buildings are either from the 1915-1916 Panama California Exposition or from the 1935-1936 Pacific International Exposition.

I visited the visitor center for a map and a cup of coffee. First stop was the Timken Museum of Art, one of Vermeer's paintings  (the woman in blue reading a letter ) is visiting from Amsterdam.

Next on my list was the botanical building and the waterlilies pond.

I walked thru a part of the park to the Spanish Village Arts center but did not visit any of the artists  .. it was so hot... I will come back another time.

I visited the San Diego museum of art instead with a great exposition on Coney Is land. Nice and cool inside! 

And on my way to the carpark I started this sketch of the Spreckels Organ Pavilion. 

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